You are invited to
Reading Operatics Society’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday 27th
June at Earley St Peter’s Church Hall at 19:30. This meeting is a chance to
reflect over the last year, an opportunity to submit any changes to the
constitution and to elect new committee members.
Proposed Change to the Constitution:
Proposer: Chris Reddington
Seconder: Terry Hodgkinson
This amendment is not an adjustment based upon the recent constitutional update
from November 2018, but is an optimisation based upon how we have been working
over recent months.
Throughout the last number of months on the Committee, we have been operating
with a reduced number of Committee members, particularly, without a Membership
Secretary. As a result, we have been reviewing those roles on the Committee,
and believe that it makes sense to merge the administrative duties of the
Membership secretary into the Secretary role. This allows us to add an
additional Committee member role in its place, and continue sharing out the
“Membership Development” role across the whole Committee, as we have been
operating over recent months.
Section 12
– Concessionary Membership may be available at the discretion of an Officer of
the Committee and the Membership Secretary.
Proposed Revision to
Section 12 – Concessionary Membership may be available at
the discretion of the
Section 17
– The management of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee, elected
every two years by Members at an Annual General Meeting and shall comprise of
the following Officers of the Society:
- Chair,
- Vice Chair.
- Secretary,
- Treasurer,
- Membership Secretary
- And six other members
Proposed Revision to
Section 12 – The management of the Society shall be
conducted by a Committee, elected every two years by Members at an Annual
General Meeting and shall comprise the following Officers of the Society:
- Chair,
- Vice Chair
- Secretary,
- Treasurer,
- And seven other members
Section 70
– The Membership Secretary will give 21 days notice of the date of auditions.
The production team shall make available details of test pieces for the various
roles. Auditions may be arranged on an alternative date only by arrangement
with the production team and prior permission of the Committee.
Proposed Revision to
Section 70 – The
Committee will give 21 days notice of the date of auditions.
The production team shall make available details of test pieces for the various
roles. Auditions may be arranged on an alternative date only by arrangement
with the production team and prior permission of the Committee.
The following committee positions will be up for election at the 2019 AGM:
- Treasurer
- Membership Secretary (Committee Member if change to constitution is passed)
- 3 x Committee Member
If you are interested in any of these positions please return the committee nominee form below or any proposed amendments to the constitution to the Secretary, Natasha Maxworthy in person or via email at by 31st May.
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