Oliver! interpreted
Reading Operatic Society is delighted to announce that Stacey Stockwell of disability awareness training company Beans Training will be providing a sign language interpreted performance of Oliver! on Friday 26 September 2014.
Stacey was widely praised and acknowledged for the way in which she stood in a spotlight to one side of the Hexagon stage for the Reading Operatic Society performance of Grease in 2013 and interpreted every song and moment of dialogue. No small feat when your back is to the action and your face towards the audience. With proven abilities interpreting bands, solo artists and theatre companies throughout the country Stacey is used to this kind of challenge and we’re delighted she has once again chosen to work with us this year, assisting Reading Operatic Society’s aim of bring musical theatre throughout Berkshire to the widest possible audience.
During the day Stacey is often working her own audience when delivering disability awareness training and audits for companies and their employees. Her work covers a broad spectrum including disability, mental health, dementia, visual and hearing impairment. You can read more and view explanatory videos at www.beanstraining.com