Sister Act – call for cast
Reading Operatic is in the final stages of preparation for Children of Eden but we’re now already looking forward to our production of Sister Act.
Rehearsals commence on 25 April with auditions on 8 May.
The production team is Jennifer Scott, Gemma Hough and Neil Matthews.
It will be an open audition process and we’ll be looking for a particularly vivacious Delores, as well as looking for females of a wide age range among the roles.
Watch this space for more details or get in touch via our Contact page to let us know of your interest.
Sister Act – Audition Music
Michelle/Tina No. 1 Take me to Heaven – bars 27 – 47
Deloris (ad lib) No. 2 Fabulous Baby bars 1 – 66 and bars 116 to End. Possibly do bars 106 and 107.
Curtis No. 6 When I find my Baby – beginning to bar 43.
Mother Superior No. 13 I haven’t got a prayer – beginning to bar 43 and bar 92 ( ‘..and I haven’t a clue…’) to the End.
Sister Mary Lazarus No. 5 It’s good to be a nun bars 16 to bar 53 ( all of these bars even though they are shared between Lazarus and Patrick) and No. 8 Raise your Voice – bars 145 to 148 ( ‘Rap’ section ‘ Laudamus te…’ etc )
Sister Mary Patrick No. 5 It’s good to be a nun bars 16 to bar 53 (all of these bars even though they are shared between Lazarus and Patrick) and No. 9 Take me to Heaven ( Reprise ) bars 128 to 135 ( ‘ Don’t know how you do what you do….etc’ )
Sister Mary Robert No. 15 The Life I never led – from beginning to bar 64 and bar 202 to the End and No. 8 Raise your Voice – bars 161 – 165 ( ‘ Tu solus dominus…’ etc )
Eddie No. 7 I could be that Guy ( first verse only ie to bar 54 )
TJ/Joey/Pablo No. 12 Lady in the Long Black Dress – first verse ( to bar 25 ) and bars 41 and 42 ( ‘Hey….long black dress’ ) ( I will practise these 2 bars with anyone auditioning to help them )
CHORUS Nuns: No. 11 Sunday morning fever – bars 166 to 183 ( sing appropriate harmony if possible – probably audition in twos and threes )
Men No. 22 Spread the love around – bars 111 – 118 ( ‘Everyone, join your hands together…etc ) or simply ‘ Hallelujah’