Reading Operatic Society performed Gilbert and Sullivan’s popular operetta HMS Pinafore at The Hexagon, Reading on 19-23 February 2008.
A change of dates was forced upon this production due to reasons beyond the control of ROS and rehearsal time was short but this was overcome with a happy production that was well performed, well received and ultimately nominated for the NODA London Region Dorothy Lawson Gilbert & Sullivan award 2007/2008.
The cast of 49 featured Iain Whittaker as Sir Joseph Porter KCB, Jeff Trim as Captain Corcoran, Simon Hutson as Ralph Rackstraw, Keith Lawrence as Dick Deadeye, Andrew Philips as Bill Bobstay, Daniel Powell as Bob Becket, Suzannah Brooksbank as Josephine, Jenny Gumbrell as Hebe and Maggie Preston as Mrs Cripps (Little Buttercup). The producer and choreographer was Jill Morgan and musical director John Lawes, alongside the Reading Operatic Society’s residential production team – David Parsonson production manager, Carol Hodgkinson stage manager and Kim Hollamby lighting designer.